is an independent researcher in the field of astronomy and astrophysics;
author of the theory of Quantum Gravity;
author of three scientific theories in the field of astronomy and astrophysics;
professional pianist;
author of music books;
author of books for reading.
About the author:
Alina ILINSKA has been studying astronomy, astrophysics since the age of 11 and is currently engaged in research in the fields of these sciences.
In parallel with the study of astronomy, she studied piano at a music school and received her higher education at the Higher College of Arts, Piano specialization.
She is a composer and author of music books for piano.
She is currently an independent researcher in astronomy and astrophysics.
She works as an educator.
As a literary author, Alina writes in the genre of science fiction.
As an independent researcher in the field of astronomy and astrophysics, Alina ILINSKA is the author of the theory of quantum gravity; author of a new theory on the impact on the physical matter of the Universe by objects called "Black Holes"; author of a general theory of the impact of "Dark Voids" - dark energy and dark matter on physical objects of the material part of the Universe.
ALINA plays music of her own composition and music by Mozart, Bach, Haydn, Vivaldi, Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Scriabin and many other famous composers. She likes to perform classical calm and modern relaxing music

From an independent researcher
in the field of astronomy and astrophysics
The book “THEORY of QUANTUM GRAVITY” presents three new scientific theories:
1. The Theory of Quantum Gravity and its manifestations in the Universe.
2. A new theory of the effects on the physical matter of the Universe by objects called "Black Holes".
3. The general theory of the effects of "Dark Voids" - dark energy and dark matter on the physical objects of the material part of the Universe.
The book provides answers to the following questions:
Where are the Quantum gravitational fields in the Universe and how does it manifest itself?
How does Quantum gravitational field interact with the physical objects of the Universe?
Is there a probability of appearance of the object called "Black Hole" in our Solar System?
Does the physical matter really disappear into the Black Hole?
Where and how do objects of the material world disappear when approaching a Black Hole?
Are there Black Holes in the centers of galaxies?
Was there ever a belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter a single object?
How did the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter form?

New Music Book «New Piano Music»
This music book includes several new pieces for piano:
• The Endless Movement of the Universe
• Wind over the Se
• Memories
• Great Pianist (Etude)
• Mood
• A Fan Day (Etude)
The books for reading by ALINA ILINSKA

Author: Alina ILINSKА
Cover artist: Alina ILINSKA
Country: United Arab Emirates
Language: English
Genre: science fiction
Year: 2021, Dubai, UAE
Media type: E-Book
In the book "Beyond the Visible Universe":
- A new hypothesis is put forward regarding the origin of the calendar of the Maya and Aztec civilizations;
- It describes the life of people in the Emirate of Dubai on the Arabian Peninsula – in modern society and in one of the periods of the formation of a new civilization several millennia ago;
- It describes the period of construction of the famous El Khazneh temple of Petra in Jordan and its purpose - when, by whom and for what it was built;
- The time of the fall of the "Tunguska meteorite" to Earth is described. The reasons why it cannot be found on Earth. What it really was.
- The book outlines the possible reasons for the presence of different races on Earth and expresses an opinion about the past of our planet and humanity.
The book also covers the following topics:
- The Grail - the adapted formula of the Primary Sound. The responsibility of those who use it.
- When, by whom and for what purpose the sign, symbol and artefact of the All-Seeing Eye was brought to Earth. Its power and possibilities. Where the artefact is at present.
- The fifth planet from the Sun in our Solar System, which was between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter - how and when its annihilation occurred. Causes of the asteroid belt in the same orbit.
- The sixteen Egyptian Stella Obelisks. For what purpose they were erected.
- Origin of the Desert - Why much of the Arabian Peninsula and northern Africa is covered with sands.
- Quantum gravitational fields - where they are and how they affect the physical matter of the universe.
- The book introduces a new (literary) concept - ‘Black Marne’, instead of the current name - ‘Black Hole’, an as yet unexplored object in the Universe. A new version of the impact of the ‘Black Hole’ on planets and other objects of the material world is presented, which is fundamentally different from the generally accepted versions.
The book describes the life of a young woman named Amilaniara and the influence of the genome on her life. The knowledge and experience that her ancestors accumulated over millions of years is stored in her genetic memory and, under certain circumstances, continues to be available. For the convenience of the reader's perception of information, the main characters who had the same genome at different intervals of their lives were given one name – Amilaniara.

ما وراء الكون المرئي
الخيال العلمي
المؤلف: ألينا إلينسكافنان الغلاف: ألينا إلينسكا البلد: الإمارات العربية المتحدة اللغة: الإنجليزية النوع: الخيال العلميالعام: 2021 ، دبي ، الإمارات العربية المتحدةنوع الوسائط: كتاب إلكتروني
في كتاب "خارج حدود الكون المرئي":
- يُقدم افتراض جديد بشأن أصل تقويم حضارتي المايا والآزتيك.
- يُصف حياة الناس في إمارة دبي على شبه الجزيرة العربية - في المجتمع الحديث وفي أحد الفترات التي شهدت بزوغ حضارة جديدة قبل عدة آلاف من السنين.
- يُوضح فترة بناء معبد الخزنة الشهير في مدينة البتراء في الأردن وغايته - متى، ومن قبل من، ولأي غرض تم بناؤه.
- يُسلط الضوء على الفترة التي شهدت سقوط "نيزك تونغوسك" على الأرض. الأسباب التي تمنع من العثور عليه على الأرض. ما هي الحقيقة بالضبط.
يعرض الكتاب الأسباب المحتملة لوجود جماعات عرقية مختلفة على الأرض ويعبر عن وجهة نظر حول ماضي كوكبنا والبشرية.
في الكتاب، يتمتع القارئ أيضًا بمناقشة القضايا التالية:
- الكأس - هو صيغة معدلة من الصوت الأولي. المسؤولية التي يتحملها أولئك الذين يستخدمونه.
- متى، من قبل من، ولأي غرض جلبت الرمز والأثر "العين التي ترى كل شيء" إلى الأرض. قوتها وقدراتها. أين يوجد الأثر حاليًا.
- الكوكب الخامس من الشمس في نظامنا الشمسي، الذي كان بين مدارات كواكب المشتري والمريخ - كيف ومتى حدث تدميره. أسباب تكون حزام الكويكبات على نفس المدار.
- ست عشرة نصبًا من الحجر في مصر. لماذا تم بناؤها.
- أصل الصحراء - لماذا تغطي جزء كبير من شبه الجزيرة العربية والجزء الشمالي من إفريقيا بالرمال.
- حقول الجاذبية الكمية - أين توجد وكيف تؤثر على المادة الفيزيائية في الكون.
- يُعرف مصطلح جديد (أدبيًا) في الكتاب - "المارنا السوداء" بدلاً من التسمية الحالية - "الثقب الأسود"، وهو كائن لم يتم دراسته بعد في الكون. يُقدم نسخة جديدة لتأثير "الثقب الأسود" على الكواكب والكائنات الأخرى في العالم المادي، والتي تختلف بشكل أساسي عن النسخ المتعارف عليها.
The cover for the book “BEYOND THE VISIBLE UNIVERSE"
An oil painting "Moonlight over Dubai" (2017) by ALINA ILINSKA was used for the cover of the book "Beyond the visible Universe"